1 |
IS 13098 (2024) |
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- View breakup
Clause No. |
Exclusion |
Testing Charges (Excl. Of Taxes) |
Effective Date |
Remark |
Cl 6 (MARKING) |
- |
- |
Cl 4.1.4 (Accelerated Ageing) |
- |
Cl 4.1.3 (Set After Ageing) |
- |
Cl 4.1.2 (Strength of Splice) |
- |
Cl 4.1.1 (Elongation) |
- |
Cl 3.3.1 (Thickness Uniformity) |
- |
Cl 3.3 (Fit) |
- |
Cl 3.2 (Classification) |
- |
Cl 3.1 (Materials) |
- |
- |
- |
2 |
IS 9873 : Part 3 (2017) |
Safety of toys: Part 3 migration of certain elements (Second Revision) |
- |
Rs.14080/ View breakup
Clause No. |
Exclusion |
Testing Charges (Excl. Of Taxes) |
Effective Date |
Remark |
4.1 - Table 1 (Antimony (Sb) - Cl 7,8,9 of IS 9873-3 : 2017 and
ISO 8124-3 : 2010) |
- |
4.1 - Table 1 (Arsenic (As) - Cl 7,8,9 of IS 9873-3 : 2017 and
ISO 8124-3 : 2010) |
- |
4.1 - Table 1 (Barium (Ba) - Cl 7,8,9 of IS 9873-3 : 2017 and
ISO 8124-3 : 2010) |
- |
4.1 - Table 1 (Cadmium (Cd) - Cl 7,8,9 of IS 9873-3 : 2017 and
ISO 8124-3 : 2010) |
- |
4.1 - Table 1 (Chromium (Cr) - Cl 7,8,9 of IS 9873-3 : 2017 and
ISO 8124-3 : 2010) |
- |
4.1 - Table 1 (Lead (Pb) - Cl 7,8,9 of IS 9873-3 : 2017 and
ISO 8124-3 : 2010) |
- |
4.1 - Table 1 (Mercury (Hg) - Cl 7,8,9 of IS 9873-3 : 2017 and
ISO 8124-3 : 2010) |
- |
4.1 - Table 1 (Selenium (Se) - Cl 7,8,9 of IS 9873-3 : 2017 and
ISO 8124-3 : 2010) |
- |
- |
- |
3 |
IS 12786 (2024) |
Irrigation equipment - Polyethylene pipes for irrigation laterals - Specification (first revision) |
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- View breakup
Clause No. |
Exclusion |
Testing Charges (Excl. Of Taxes) |
Effective Date |
Remark |
Cl-7.3 (Tensile Test) |
- |
Cl-4.1 (Material) |
- |
Cl-5.1 (Dimensions of pipes and wall thicknesses) |
- |
Cl-6.0 (Visual Appearance) |
- |
Cl-7.1 (Hydraulic Characteristics- quality acceptance test) |
- |
Cl-7.2 (Reversion Test) |
- |
Cl-7.4 (Susceptibility to Environmental Stress Cracking) |
- |
5.1 & Table 1 (Dimensions of Pipes - Outside diameters) |
- |
5.1 & Table 1 (Dimensions of Pipes - Wall thickness) |
- |
4.2(b) (Carbon Black Dispersion-IS 2530) |
- |
7.3 (Elongation at Break) |
- |
Cl-11 (Marking) |
- |
- |
The following test facilities are not available:
(1) Hydraulic characteristics (quality test)
(2) Carbon black content |
4 |
IS 248 (2023) |
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- View breakup
Clause No. |
Exclusion |
Testing Charges (Excl. Of Taxes) |
Effective Date |
Remark |
Cl-3.1 (Description) |
- |
Cl-3.2,Table 1,sl.no-i (Purity (as SO2 content)) |
- |
Cl-3.2,Table 1,sl.no-ii (pH of 5 percent solution) |
- |
Cl-3.2,Table 1,sl.no-iii (Matter insoluble in water) |
- |
Cl-3.2,Table 1,sl.no-iv (Iron (as Fe),) |
- |
Cl-3.2,Table 1,sl.no-v (Heavy metals (as Pb),) |
- |
Cl-3.2,Table 1,sl.no-vi (Appearance of solution) |
- |
- |
- |
5 |
IS 14543 (2024) |
Packaged Drinking Water Other than Packaged Natural Mineral Water Specification Third Revision |
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- View breakup
Clause No. |
Exclusion |
Testing Charges (Excl. Of Taxes) |
Effective Date |
Remark |
5.3 (Appearance) |
- |
5.4/Annex D/i (P,P-DDT) |
- |
5.4/Annex D/ii (Lindane) |
- |
5.4/Annex D/iv (b-Endosulfan) |
- |
5.4/Annex D/xvi (Dieldrin) |
- |
5.4/Annex D/xvi (Aldrin) |
- |
5.4/Annex D/i (O,P-DDT) |
- |
5.4/Annex D/iv (a-Endosulfan) |
- |
5.4/Annex D/iii (d-HCH) |
- |
5.4/Annex D/i (O,P-DDD) |
- |
5.4/Annex D/i (P,P-DDE) |
- |
5.4/Annex D/i (O,P-DDE) |
- |
5.4/Annex D/iii (a-HCH) |
- |
5.4/Annex D/iii (β- HCH) |
- |
5.4/Annex D/iv (Endosulfan sulfate) |
- |
5.4/Annex D/i (P,P-DDD) |
- |
5.4/Annex D/xii (Alachlor) |
- |
5.4/Annex D/vii (Chlorpyrifos) |
- |
5.4/Annex D/x (Butachlor) |
- |
5.4/Annex D/vi (Ethion) |
- |
5.4/Annex D/xiv (Methyl parathion) |
- |
5.4/Annex D/xv (Malathion) |
- |
5.4/Annex D/viii (Phorate) |
- |
5.4/Annex D/v (Monochrotophos) |
- |
5.4/Annex D/xiii (Atrazine) |
- |
5.4/Annex D/viii (Phorate sulphoxide) |
- |
5.4/Annex D/viii (Phorate sulfone) |
- |
5.4/Annex D/xxvii (Methyl paraoxon) |
- |
5.4/Annex D/xxviii (Malaoxon) |
- |
5.4/Annex D/xi (Isoproturon) |
- |
5.4/Annex D/ix (2,4 –D) |
- |
Cl-5.3, Table-1 (i) (Colour, true colour units, Max) |
- |
Cl-5.3, Table-1 (ii) (Odour) |
- |
Cl-5.3, Table-1 (iii) (Taste) |
- |
Cl-5.3, Table-1 (iv) (Turbidity, nephelometric turbidity unit (NTU), Max) |
- |
Cl-5.3, Table-1 (v) (Total dissolved solids, mg/l, Max) |
- |
Cl-5.3, Table-1 (vi) (pH) |
- |
Cl-5.3, Table-2 (i) (Barium (as Ba)) |
- |
Cl-5.3, Table-2 (ii) (Copper (as Cu)) |
- |
Cl-5.3, Table-2 (iii) (Iron (as Fe)) |
- |
Cl-5.3, Table-2 (iv) (Manganese (as Mn)) |
- |
Cl-5.3, Table-2 (v) (Nitrate (as NO3 )) |
- |
Cl-5.3, Table-2 (vi) (Nitrite (as NO2 )) |
- |
Cl-5.3, Table-2 (vii) (Fluoride (as F)) |
- |
Cl-5.3, Table-2 (viii) (Zinc (as Zn)) |
- |
Cl-5.3, Table-2 (ix) (Silver (as Ag)) |
- |
Cl-5.3, Table-2 (x) (Aluminium (as A1)) |
- |
Cl-5.3, Table-2 (xi) (Chloride (as Cl)) |
- |
Cl-5.3, Table-2 (xii) (Selenium (as Se)) |
- |
Cl-5.3, Table-2 (xiii) (Sulphate (as SO4 )) |
- |
Cl-5.3, Table-2 (xiv) (Alkalinity (as HCO3 )) |
- |
Cl-5.3, Table-2 (xv) (Calcium (as Ca)) |
- |
Cl-5.3, Table-2 (xvi) (Magnesium (as Mg)) |
- |
Cl-5.3, Table-2 (xvii) (Sodium (as Na)) |
- |
Cl-5.3, Table-2 (xviii) (Residual free chlorine) |
- |
Cl-5.3, Table-2 (xix) (Phenolic compounds (as C6H5OH)) |
- |
Cl-5.3, Table-2 (xx) (Mineral oil) |
- |
Cl-5.3, Table-2 (xxi) (Anionic surface active agents) |
- |
Cl-5.3, Table-2 (xxii) (Sulphide) |
- |
Cl-5.3, Table-2 (xxiii) (Antimony (as Sb)) |
- |
Cl-5.3, Table-2 (xxiv) (Borates (as B)) |
- |
Cl-5.3, Table-2 (xxv) (Bromates (as BrO3 )) |
- |
Cl-5.3, Table-3 (i) (Mercury (as Hg)) |
- |
Cl-5.3, Table-3 (ii) (Cadmium (as Cd)) |
- |
Cl-5.3, Table-3 (iii) (Arsenic (as As)) |
- |
Cl-5.3, Table-3 (v) (Lead (as Pb)) |
- |
Cl-5.3, Table-3 (vi) (Chromium (as Cr)) |
- |
Cl-5.3, Table-3 (vii) (Nickel (as Ni)) |
- |
Cl-5.3, Table-3 (viii) (Polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB)) |
- |
Cl-5.3, Table-3 (ix) (Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons) |
- |
Cl-5.3, Table-3 (x) (Uranium) |
- |
Cl-5.4 (i) (Pesticide residues considered individually) |
- |
Cl-5.4 (ii) (Total pesticide residue) |
- |
Cl-5.2.1 (Escherichia coli or thermotolerant bacteria) |
- |
Cl-5.2.2 (Coliform) |
- |
Cl-5.2.3 (Staphylococcus aureus) |
- |
Cl-5.2.4 (Sulphite Reducing Anaerobes) |
- |
Cl-5.2.5 (Pseudomonas Aeruginosa) |
- |
Cl-5.2.6 (Aerobic Microbial Count @ 37 deg C) |
- |
Cl-5.2.7 (Yeast and mould) |
- |
Cl-5.2.8 (Salmonella) |
- |
Cl-5.2.9 (Vibrio cholera) |
- |
Cl-5.2.3 (Faecal streptococci) |
- |
Cl-5.2.8 (shigella) |
- |
Cl-5.2.9 (V.parahaemolyticus) |
- |
5.2.6 (Aerobic Microbial Count @ 20 to 22 deg C) |
- |
- |
Excluding Cyanide, Radio Active Elements. For testing of Pesticide Residues please indicate accordingly |
6 |
IS 14781 (2000) |
Sodium thiosulphate - Specification |
- |
Rs. 6960 View breakup
Clause No. |
Exclusion |
Testing Charges (Excl. Of Taxes) |
Effective Date |
Remark |
3 (GRADES) |
- |
- |
4.1 (Description) |
- |
4.2 (Solution in Water) |
- |
4.3, Table No - 1 , 1), i) (Sodium thiosulphate (as Na2S203.5H20). percent by mass) |
- |
4.3, Table No - 1 , 1), ii) (pH of 10 percent solution) |
- |
4.3, Table No - 1 , 1), iii) (Insoluble matter and metals other than alkali metals, percent by mass, Max) |
- |
4.3, Table No - 1 , 1), iv) (Sodium sulphide (as Na.$G), percent by mass, Max) |
- |
4.3, Table No - 1 , 1), v) (Heavy metals (as Pb), percent by mass, Max) |
- |
4.3, Table No - 1 , 1), vi) (Iron (as Fe), percent by mass, Max) |
- |
4.3, Table No - 1 , 1), vii) (Calcium (as Ca). percent by mass, Max) |
- |
4.3, Table No - 1 , 1), viii) (Sulphate and sulphite (as SO4), percent by mass, Max) |
- |
4.3, Table No - 1 , 1), ix) (Arsenic (as As2O3), percent by mass, Max) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
7 |
IS 11673 : Part 1 (2019) |
Sodium hypochlorite solution - Specification: Part 1 household and industrial use (Second Revision) |
- |
Rs.9359/- View breakup
Clause No. |
Exclusion |
Testing Charges (Excl. Of Taxes) |
Effective Date |
Remark |
Cl. No. 5.1 (Description Grade 1 & 2) |
- |
Cl. No. 5.2 (Keeping quality- available chlorine( table no. 1, cl 5.3, Annex B), Grade 1 & 2) |
- |
Cl. No. 5.3, table no. 1, Sl no. 1 (Relative density, Grade 1, Annex -A) |
- |
Cl. No. 5.3, table no. 1, Sl no. 1 (Relative density, Grade 2, Annex -A) |
- |
Cl. No. 5.3, table no. 1, Sl no. 2 (Available chlorine (as Cl₂), Grade 1, Annex B) |
- |
Cl. No. 5.3, table no. 1, Sl no. 2 (Available chlorine (as Cl₂), Grade 2, Annex B) |
- |
Cl. No. 5.3, table no. 1, Sl no. 3 (Total chlorine (as Cl₂), Grade 1, Annex C) |
- |
Cl. No. 5.3, table no. 1, Sl no. 3 (Total chlorine (as Cl₂), Grade 2, Annex C) |
- |
Cl. No. 5.3, table no. 1, Sl no. 4 (Free alkali (as NaOH), Grade 1, Annex D) |
- |
Cl. No. 5.3, table no. 1, Sl no. 4 (Free alkali (as NaOH), Grade 2, Annex D) |
- |
Cl. No. 5.3, table no. 1, Sl no. 5 (Free sodium carbonate (as Na₂CO₃), Grade 1, Annex E) |
- |
Cl. No. 5.3, table no. 1, Sl no. 5 (Free sodium carbonate (as Na₂CO₃), Grade 2, Annex E) |
- |
Cl. No. 5.3, table no. 1, Sl no. 6 (Iron (as Fe), Grade 1, Annex F) |
- |
Cl. No. 5.3, table no. 1, Sl no. 6 (Iron (as Fe), Grade 2, Annex F) |
- |
Cl. No. 5.3, table no. 1, Sl no. 7 (Sodium chlorate (as NaClO₃), Grade 1, Annex G) |
- |
Cl. No. 5.3, table no. 1, Sl no. 7 (Sodium chlorate (as NaClO₃), Grade 2, Annex G) |
- |
- |
- |
8 |
IS 10904 (1984) |
Specification for sodium fluoride, technical |
- |
Rs. 5,300.00 View breakup
Clause No. |
Exclusion |
Testing Charges (Excl. Of Taxes) |
Effective Date |
Remark |
2.1 (Description) |
- |
2.2 , Table - 1 , i) (Sodium fluoride (as NaF), percent by mass, Min) |
- |
2.2 , Table - 1 , ii) (Silica as (Na2SiF4), precent by mass , Max) |
- |
2.2 , Table - 1 , iii) (Sulphaie (as Na2SO4), percent by mass, Max) |
- |
2.2 , Table - 1 , iv) (Carbonate (as Na2CO3), percent by mass, Max) |
- |
2.2 , Table - 1 , v) (Insoluble matter , percent by masss , Max) |
- |
3 (Packing and Marking) |
- |
- |
- |
9 |
IS 14364 (1996) |
Quarternary ammonium compound based surface cleaner, liquid - Specification |
- |
Rs. 6,100.00 View breakup
Clause No. |
Exclusion |
Testing Charges (Excl. Of Taxes) |
Effective Date |
Remark |
4.1 (Description) |
- |
4.3 (Odour) |
- |
4.2 (Composition) |
- |
4.4 (Colour) |
- |
4.5 (Stability) |
- |
4.6 (Cleaning Property) |
- |
4.7 (Applicability) |
- |
4.8 (Keeping Quality) |
- |
4.9, table 1(i) (Total non-volatile matter, % by mass, Min) |
- |
4.9, table 1(ii) (Ph) |
- |
4.9, table 1(iii) (QAC content, % by mass, Min) |
- |
5 (Packing) |
- |
6 (Marking) |
- |
- |
- |
10 |
IS 13498 (2017) |
Bathing bar - Specification (Second Revision) |
- |
Rs. 7,100.00 View breakup
Clause No. |
Exclusion |
Testing Charges (Excl. Of Taxes) |
Effective Date |
Remark |
5.1, Table-1, i) (Lather in ml, Min) |
- |
5.1, Table-1, ii) (Mush (loss in mass due to mushing), g/50 cm2 , Max) |
- |
5.1, Table-1, iii) (Free caustic alkali (as NaOH), percent by mass, Max) |
- |
5.1, Table-1, iv) (Free carbonated alkali, percent by mass, Max) |
- |
5.1, Table-1, v) (Freedom from grittiness) |
- |
5.1, Table-1, vi) (Freedom from cracking) |
- |
5.1, Table-1, vii) (Cleaning efficiency) |
- |
5.1, Table-1, viii), a) , i) (Total fatty matter, percent by mass, Min) |
- |
5.1, Table-1, viii), a) , ii) (Synthetic surface active agent, percent by mass, Min) |
- |
5.1, Table-1, viii), b) (Fatty matter from dissolved actives, Min) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
11 |
IS 1069 (2021) |
- |
- View breakup
Clause No. |
Exclusion |
Testing Charges (Excl. Of Taxes) |
Effective Date |
Remark |
3 (Descripiton) |
- |
Table 1 Requirements for Water for Storage Batteries (Clauses 3.2, 5.2 and 5.3) (pH) |
- |
Table 1 Requirements for Water for Storage Batteries (Clauses 3.2, 5.2 and 5.3) (Specific electrical conductivity at 25°C (microsiemens per cm), Max) |
- |
- |
- |
12 |
IS 6614 (2021) |
- |
- View breakup
Clause No. |
Exclusion |
Testing Charges (Excl. Of Taxes) |
Effective Date |
Remark |
3.1 (Description) |
- |
3.1.1 (For Powder) |
- |
3.1.2 (For Granule) |
- |
Cl-3.2,Table1,sl.no-i (Insoluble matter) |
- |
3.2, Table 1,(ii) (Assay as AlCl3 , percent by mass, Min) |
- |
Cl-3.2,Table 1,sl.no-iii (Total Aluminium as Al) |
- |
Cl-3.2,Table 1,sl.no-iv (Free Aluminium as Al) |
- |
Cl-3.2,Table 1,sl.no-v (Iron as Fe) |
- |
Cl-3.2,Table 1,sl.no-vi,a (Solubility -Ether) |
- |
Cl-3.2,Table 1,sl.no-vi,b (Solubility-Nitrobenzene) |
- |
- |
- |
13 |
IS 333 (2023) |
- |
Rs. 5480 View breakup
Clause No. |
Exclusion |
Testing Charges (Excl. Of Taxes) |
Effective Date |
Remark |
Cl-4.1 (Description) |
- |
Cl-4.2,Table-1,sl.no-i (Potassium permanganate (as KMnO4) content,) |
- |
Cl-4.2,Table-1,sl.no-ii (Insoluble matter) |
- |
Cl-4.2,Table-1,sl.no-iii ( Chlorides (as Cl)) |
- |
Cl-4.2,Table-1,sl.no-iv (Sulphate (as SO4)) |
- |
Cl-4.2,Table-1,sl.no-v (Nitrogen compounds (as N)) |
- |
Cl-4.2,Table-1,sl.no-vi (Arsenic (as As2O3),) |
- |
Cl-4.2,Table-1,sl.no-vii (Loss on heating at 110 °C) |
- |
- |
- |
14 |
IS 12586 (2021) |
Brazed low carbon steel gas cylinders not exceeding 13 litre water capacity Specification |
- |
- View breakup
Clause No. |
Exclusion |
Testing Charges (Excl. Of Taxes) |
Effective Date |
Remark |
6.4 (Water capacity) |
- |
6.5 (Valve) |
- |
6.7 (Foot Ring) |
- |
8.2 (Leakage test) |
- |
12 (Marking) |
- |
- |
Test facilities are not available for the following: (1) Peel Test |
15 |
IS 14333 (2022) |
Polyethylene Pipes for Sewerage and Industrial Chemicals and Effluent � Specification (First Revision) |
- |
- View breakup
Clause No. |
Exclusion |
Testing Charges (Excl. Of Taxes) |
Effective Date |
Remark |
5.2.1,T2 (Melt Flow Rate (At 190°C /5kg)-IS 2530:1963) |
- |
7.1 (Visual Appearance- IS 14333-2022) |
- |
7.4,T3 of IS 4984 (Outside Diameter-IS 4984-2016) |
- |
7.4,T4 of IS 4984 (wall Thickness-IS 4984-2016) |
- |
7.4,T3 of IS 4984 (Ovality-IS 4984-2016) |
- |
8.2 ("Longitudinal Reversion Test - IS 4984-2016
(Annexure-F)") |
- |
5.2.1,T2 (Thermal Stability(Oxidation Induction Time)-IS 4984:2016(Annexure-B)) |
- |
- |
The following test facilities are not available:
(1)Internal Pressure creep rupture test
(2)Tensile Strength for Butt-fusion
(3) Elongation at break
(4) Slow Crack Growth rate test
(5) Density
(6) Depth of strip
(7) Oxidation Induction Time
(8) Overall Migration
(9) Carbon Black content
(10) For Size above 250 mm |
16 |
IS 2347 (2023) |
- |
- View breakup
Clause No. |
Exclusion |
Testing Charges (Excl. Of Taxes) |
Effective Date |
Remark |
4.1 (Gross capacity) |
- |
4.2 (Body Capacity) |
- |
8.1 (Air Pressure Test ) |
- |
6 (Construction) |
- |
7 (Workmanship and Finish ) |
- |
8.2 (Proof Pressure Test ) |
- |
8.3 (Operating Test for Pressure Regulating Device ) |
- |
8.4 (Test for Safety Relief Device ) |
- |
8.5 (Bursting Pressure Test ) |
- |
8.6 (Test for Removal of Lid under Pressure ) |
- |
8.14 (Ply construction cooker Body ) |
- |
- |
The following test facilities are not available:
(1) Material as per Clause 5.1, 5.2, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8, 5.9, 5.10, 5.11
(2) Test for Hard Anodized Surface.
(3) Test for spring-loaded mechanism
(4) Test for handle and knob.
(5) Electrical Pressure cooker |
17 |
IS 14493 : Part 5 (2018) |
Multicore and symmetrical pair / quad cables for digital communications: Part 5 symmetrical pair / quad cables with transmission characteristics up to 1000 MHz - Horizontal floor wiring - Secal specification |
- |
- View breakup
Clause No. |
Exclusion |
Testing Charges (Excl. Of Taxes) |
Effective Date |
Remark |
5.1 (General remarks) |
- |
5.2.1 (Conductor) |
- |
5.2.2 (Insulation) |
- |
5.2.3 (Cable element) |
- |
5.2.4 (Cable make-up) |
- |
5.2.5 (Screening of the cable core) |
- |
5.2.6 (Sheath) |
- |
5.2.7 (Identification) |
- |
5.2.8 (Finished cable) |
- |
6.1 (General remarks) |
- |
6.2.1 (Conductor resistor) |
- |
6.2.2 (Resistance unbalance) |
- |
6.2.3 (Dielectric strength) |
- |
6.2.4 (Insulation resistance) |
- |
6.2.9 (Current-carrying capacity) |
- |
6.4.3 (Tensile strength of the insulation) |
- |
6.4.2 (Elongation at break of the conductors) |
- |
6.2.9 (Current-carrying capacity) |
- |
6.4.3 (Tensile strength of the insulation) |
- |
6.4.2 (Elongation at break of the conductors) |
- |
6.4.4 (Elongation at break of the insulation) |
- |
6.4.5 (Adhesion of the insulation to the conductor) |
- |
6.4.6 (Elongation at break of the sheath) |
- |
6.4.7 (Tensile strength of the sheath) |
- |
6.4.9 (Impact test of the cable) |
- |
6.4.10 (Bending under tension) |
- |
6.4.12 (Tensile performance of the cable) |
- |
6.5.1 (Shrinkage of insulation) |
- |
6.5.3 (Bending test of insulation at low temperature) |
- |
6.5.4 (Elongation at break of the sheath after ageing) |
- |
6.5.5 (Tensile strength of the sheath after ageing) |
- |
6.5.7 (Cold bend test of the cable) |
- |
6.5.14 (Hygroscopicity) |
- |
6.5.16 (Flame propagation characteristics of a single cable) |
- |
6.5.17 (Flame propagation characteristics of bunched cables) |
- |
7.1 (General) |
- |
- |
Test facility not available for the tests as per Cl. 6.2.3, Cl. 6.2.5, Cl. 6.2.6,Cl. 6.2.7, Cl. 6.3, Cl. 6.4.8, Cl. 6.4.8, Cl. 6.4.10, Cl. 6.5.10, Cl. 6.5.11, Cl. 6.5.14 to Cl. 6.5.21 and Cl. 7 |
18 |
IS 1165 (2022) |
- |
- View breakup
Clause No. |
Exclusion |
Testing Charges (Excl. Of Taxes) |
Effective Date |
Remark |
Clause 3.5,Table 1 ,Sl No i) (Moisture) |
- |
Clause 3.5,Table 1 ,Sl No ii) (Total solids) |
- |
Clause 3.5,Table 1 ,Sl No iii) (Milk fat) |
- |
Clause 3.5,Table 1 ,Sl No iv) (Milk protein in milk solids not fat) |
- |
Clause 3.5,Table 1 ,Sl No v) (Insolubility index) |
- |
Clause 3.5,Table 1 ,Sl No vi) (Total ash(on dry basis)) |
- |
Clause 3.5,Table 1 ,Sl No vii) (Titratable acidity (lactic acid),) |
- |
Clause 3.5,Table 1 ,Sl No viii) (Scorched particle) |
- |
Clause 3.5,Table 2 ,Sl No i) (Aerobic plate count) |
- |
Clause 3.5,Table 2 ,Sl No ii) (Coliform Count) |
- |
Clause 3.5,Table 2 ,Sl No iii) (Staphylococcus aureus(Coagulase positive)) |
- |
Clause 3.5,Table 2 ,Sl No iv) (Yeast and mould count) |
- |
Clause 3.5,Table 2 ,Sl No v) (Salmonella sp) |
- |
Clause 3.5,Table 2 ,Sl No vi) (Listeria monocytogenes) |
- |
Clause 3.5,Table 2 ,Sl No vii) (Bacillus cereus) |
- |
Clause 3.5,Table 2 ,Sl No viii) (Sulphite reducing clostridia) |
- |
Clause 3.5,Table 2 ,Sl No ix) (E. coli) |
- |
- |
Test facilities are not available for the following:
"1. Lead, Arsenic, Aflatoxin M1, Melamine
2. As per Cl. 5.7 The pesticide residues, heavy metals, toxins (aflatoxins and other naturally occurring toxins) and contaminants, if any, in the product shall not exceed the limits as prescribed in the Food Safety and Standards (Contaminants, Toxins and Residues) Regulations, 2011.’
" |
19 |
IS 3950 (1979) |
surface boxes for sluice valves |
- |
Rs.450/- View breakup
Clause No. |
Exclusion |
Testing Charges (Excl. Of Taxes) |
Effective Date |
Remark |
- |
- |
- |
6 (MASS) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
20 |
IS 16111 (2013) |
Elastic bandage |
- |
- View breakup
Clause No. |
Exclusion |
Testing Charges (Excl. Of Taxes) |
Effective Date |
Remark |
7.1,7.1.1 (Weight
The weight of the elastic bandage shall be 25 to170 g/m2
.) |
- |
Annex A (Stretch Length and Extensibility :
The extensibility of elastic bandage shall be 65 to 220 percent when tested as described in Annex A) |
- |
Annex B (Regain :
The regain of the test bandage shall be not less than 70 percent when tested as described in Annex B) |
- |
- |
5 a)
Cl.9.2 (Width) |
- |
5 b) (Stretched Length) |
- |
8.2 (Finish) |
- |
- |
- |
21 |
IS 13593 (1992) |
Upvc Pipe Fittings to be Used with the Upvc Pipes in the Suction and Delivery Lines Of Agricultural Pumps |
- |
- View breakup
Clause No. |
Exclusion |
Testing Charges (Excl. Of Taxes) |
Effective Date |
Remark |
7.1 (Mean outside diameter) |
- |
7.2 (Thickness) |
- |
7.3 (Depth of socket) |
- |
7.4 (Other dimensions) |
- |
8 (Workmanship) |
- |
9.1 (Vacuum test) |
- |
9.2 (Hydrostatic test) |
- |
- |
- |
22 |
IS 15450 (2022) |
Polyethylene-aluminium-polyethylene composite pressure pipes for hot and cold water supplies Specifications first revision of IS 15450 |
- |
- View breakup
Clause No. |
Exclusion |
Testing Charges (Excl. Of Taxes) |
Effective Date |
Remark |
- |
11.2 (Melt Flow Rate (Method of test as per Table 3)) |
- |
11.5 (Carbon Black Content and Dispersion (Method of test as per Table 3)) |
- |
11.9 (Apparent Tensile Strength of Pipe) |
- |
11.10 (Minimum Burst Pressure) |
- |
11.3 (Overall Migration) |
- |
11.3 (Overall Migration) |
- |
11.3 (Overall Migration) |
- |
11.4 (Thermal Stability to Oxidation (Method of test as per Table 3)) |
- |
- |
The following test facilities are not available:
(1) Density Test
(2)Carbon Black Content
(3) Oxidation Induction Time
(6) Hydrostatic Pressure test (Short & Long)
(7)Pigment Dispersion |
23 |
IS 3327 (1982) |
Specification for pedal - Operated paddy threshers (First Revision) |
- |
Rs. 7950/- excluding chemical tests. View breakup
Clause No. |
Exclusion |
Testing Charges (Excl. Of Taxes) |
Effective Date |
Remark |
Cl. No.5 ("
- |
- |
") |
- |
Cl. No.8 (TESTS) |
- |
- |
Cl. No.10 (marking) |
- |
- |
- |
24 |
IS 419 (1967) |
Specification for putty, for use on window frames (First Revision) |
- |
- View breakup
For Initial Testing = Rs. (1500+36+150) = Rs. 1686 = Rs. 1690 Only Keeping Properties Testing = Rs. (675+18+50) = Rs. 743 = Rs. 750 Preparation of Test Report = Rs. 300
Clause No. |
Exclusion |
Testing Charges (Excl. Of Taxes) |
Effective Date |
Remark |
3.1 (Form and Condition) |
- |
3.3 (Consistency) |
- |
3.4, Table 1,(i) (Residue on sieve, percent by weight Max) |
- |
3.4, Table 1,(ii) (Water content, percent by weight, Max) |
- |
3.2 (Composition) |
- |
- |
- |
25 |
IS 15833 (2009) |
Stainless Steel Tower Bolts -specification |
- |
- View breakup
Clause No. |
Exclusion |
Testing Charges (Excl. Of Taxes) |
Effective Date |
Remark |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Cl 7 (0) |
- |
8 (Marking) |
- |
- |
- |
26 |
IS 15834 (2020) |
Stainless Steel Sliding Door Bolts ( Aldrops ) for Use With Padlocks - Specification ( First Revision ) |
- |
- View breakup
Clause No. |
Exclusion |
Testing Charges (Excl. Of Taxes) |
Effective Date |
Remark |
- |
- |
7 (FINISH) |
- |
- |
- |
27 |
IS 1166 (2022) |
- |
- View breakup
Clause No. |
Exclusion |
Testing Charges (Excl. Of Taxes) |
Effective Date |
Remark |
( Clauses 4.1 and 4.7) Tabel 1 (i) (Total milk solid) |
- |
( Clauses 4.1 and 4.7) Tabel 1 (ii) (Milk Fat) |
- |
( Clauses 4.1 and 4.7) Tabel 1 (iii) (Milk solid not fat) |
- |
( Clauses 4.1 and 4.7) Tabel 1 (iv) (Milk protien in milk solis not fat) |
- |
( Clauses 4.1 and 4.7) Tabel 1 (v) (Accelerated storage test) |
- |
"4.7 Table 2 (i) " (Aerobic plate count-IS 5402 (Part 1)) |
- |
"4.7 Table 2 (ii) " (Coliform count-IS 5401 (Part 1)) |
- |
(Clause 4.7) Tabel 2 (iii) (Staphylococcus Aureus (Coagulates positive)) |
- |
(Clause 4.7) Tabel 2 (iv) (Yeast and mould count) |
- |
(Clause 4.7) Tabel 2 (v) (Salmonella) |
- |
(Clause 4.7) Tabel 2 (vi) (Listeria monocytogens) |
- |
(Clause 4.7) Tabel 2 (vii) (E Coli) |
- |
- |
Test facilities are not available for the following:
"1. Lead, Arsenic, Aflatoxin M1, Melamine
2. As per Cl. 5.7 The pesticide residues, heavy metals, toxins (aflatoxins and other naturally occurring toxins) and contaminants, if any, in the product shall not exceed the limits as prescribed in the Food Safety and Standards (Contaminants, Toxins and Residues) Regulations, 2011.’
" |
28 |
IS 14887 (2014) |
Textiles – High density polyethylene (HDPE)/ polypropylene (PP) woven sacks for packaging of 50 kg food grains – Specification (first revision) |
- |
- View breakup
Clause No. |
Exclusion |
Testing Charges (Excl. Of Taxes) |
Effective Date |
Remark |
4.2 and Table 1 ii (Dimensions ) |
- |
5.2 and Table 1 iii (Ends per dm ) |
- |
5.2 and Table 1 iv (Picks per dm ) |
- |
4.2 and Table 1 v (Mass of sack ) |
- |
4.2 and Table 1 vi (Average breaking strength of fabric ) |
- |
4.2 and Table 1 vi (Breaking strength of bottom seam ) |
- |
4.2 and Table 1 viii (Elongation at break of fabric ) |
- |
4.2 and Table 1 ix (Average breaking strength and elongation at break of UV stabilized HDPE/PP fabric after been exposed to UV radiation and weathering ) |
- |
3.3.1 (Bottom seam (IS 10789)) |
- |
4.1 and 3.4 (Mass of bale (Cl. 4.1), Capacity (Cl 3.4)) |
- |
4.2 and Table 1 x (Ash content ) |
- |
- |
- |
29 |
IS 302 : Part 2 : Sec 3 (2007) |
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances: Part 2 particular requirements: Sec 3 electric iron (First Revision) |
- |
Rs.8330/- View breakup
Clause No. |
Exclusion |
Testing Charges (Excl. Of Taxes) |
Effective Date |
Remark |
6 (Classification- IS 302-1 ) |
- |
6 (Classification- IS 302-1) |
- |
7.1 (Marking- IS 302-1) |
- |
7.1 (Marking- IS 302-1) |
- |
7.1 (Marking- IS 302-1) |
- |
7.1 (Marking- IS 302-1) |
- |
7.1 (Marking- IS 302-1) |
- |
7.1 (Marking- IS 302-1) |
- |
7.1 (Marking- IS 302-1) |
- |
7.1 (Marking- IS 302-1) |
- |
7.1 (Marking- IS 302-1) |
- |
7.3 (Marking- IS 302-1) |
- |
7.4 (Marking- IS 302-1) |
- |
7.6 (Marking- IS 302-1) |
- |
7.7 (Marking- IS 302-1) |
- |
7.8 (Marking- IS 302-1) |
- |
7.11 (Marking- IS 302-1) |
- |
7.12 (Marking- IS 302-1) |
- |
7.13 (Marking- IS 302-1) |
- |
7.14 (Marking- IS 302-1) |
- |
7.15 (Marking- IS 302-1) |
- |
7.101 (Marking) |
- |
8 ( Protection Against Electric Shock, IS 302-1) |
- |
10 (Power Input and Current, IS 302-1) |
- |
11 (Heating, IS 302-1) |
- |
11 (Heating, IS 302-1) |
- |
11 (Heating, IS 302-1) |
- |
11 (Heating, IS 302-1) |
- |
11 (Heating, IS 302-1) |
- |
11 (Heating, IS 302-1) |
- |
11 (Heating, IS 302-1) |
- |
11 (Heating, IS 302-1) |
- |
13 (Electrical Insulation and Leakage Current at Operating Temperature: Leakage current, IS 302-1) |
- |
13 (Electrical Insulation and Leakage Current at Operating Temperature: High Voltage, IS 302-1) |
- |
14 (Transient Over Voltages, IS 302-1) |
- |
15.1 (Moisture Resistance, IS 302-1) |
- |
15.2 (Moisture Resistance, IS 302-1) |
- |
15.3 (Moisture Resistance, IS 302-1) |
- |
16 (Electrical Insulation and Leakage Current at Operating Temperature: Leakage current, IS 302-1) |
- |
16 (Electrical Insulation and Leakage Current at Operating Temperature: High Voltage, IS 302-1) |
- |
19.4 (Abnormal Operation, IS 302-1) |
- |
19.4 (Abnormal Operation, IS 302-1) |
- |
19.7 (Abnormal Operation) |
- |
19.9 (Abnormal Operation) |
- |
19.1 (Abnormal Operation) |
- |
19.101 (Abnormal Operation) |
- |
20.1 (Stability & Mechanical Hazards, IS 302-1) |
- |
20.2 (Stability & Mechanical Hazards, IS 302-1) |
- |
21.1 (Mechanical Strength, IS 302-1) |
- |
21.2 (Mechanical Strength, IS 302-1) |
- |
21.101 (Mechanical Strength, IS 302-2-3) |
- |
22.101 (Construction) |
- |
22 (Construction, IS 302-1) |
- |
22.102 (Construction) |
- |
22.103 (Construction) |
- |
22.104 (Construction) |
- |
22.105 (Construction) |
- |
22.106 (Construction) |
- |
22.107 (Construction) |
- |
23.1 (Internal Wiring, IS 302-1) |
- |
23.2 (Internal Wiring, IS 302-1) |
- |
23.3 (Internal Wiring, IS 302-1) |
- |
23.4 (Internal Wiring, IS 302-1) |
- |
23.5 (Internal Wiring, IS 302-1) |
- |
23.6 (Internal Wiring, IS 302-1) |
- |
23.7 (Internal Wiring, IS 302-1) |
- |
23.8 (Internal Wiring, IS 302-1) |
- |
23.9 (Internal Wiring, IS 302-1) |
- |
23.10 (Internal Wiring, IS 302-1) |
- |
24.1 (Components, IS 302-1) |
- |
24.2 (Components, IS 302-1) |
- |
24.4 (Components, IS 302-1) |
- |
24.5 (Components, IS 302-1) |
- |
24.6 (Components, IS 302-1) |
- |
25.1 (Supply Connection and External Flexible Cords, IS 302-1) |
- |
25.5 (Supply Connection and External Flexible Cords, IS 302-1) |
- |
25.6 (Supply Connection and External Flexible Cords, IS 302-1) |
- |
25.7 (Supply Connection and External Flexible Cords, IS 302-1) |
- |
25.8 (Supply Connection and External Flexible Cords, IS 302-1) |
- |
26.9 (Supply Connection and External Flexible Cords, IS 302-1) |
- |
25.1 (Supply Connection and External Flexible Cords, IS 302-1) |
- |
25.11 (Supply Connection and External Flexible Cords, IS 302-1) |
- |
25.12 (Supply Connection and External Flexible Cords, IS 302-1) |
- |
25.13 (Supply Connection and External Flexible Cords, IS 302-1) |
- |
25.14 (Supply Connection and External Flexible Cords, IS 302-1) |
- |
25.14 (Supply Connection and External Flexible Cords, IS 302-1) |
- |
25.15 (Supply Connection and External Flexible Cords, IS 302-1) |
- |
25.16 (Supply Connection and External Flexible Cords, IS 302-1) |
- |
25.17 (Supply Connection and External Flexible Cords, IS 302-1) |
- |
25.18 (Supply Connection and External Flexible Cords, IS 302-1) |
- |
25.19 (Supply Connection and External Flexible Cords, IS 302-1) |
- |
25.2 (Supply Connection and External Flexible Cords, IS 302-1) |
- |
25.21 (Supply Connection and External Flexible Cords, IS 302-1) |
- |
25.22 (Supply Connection and External Flexible Cords, IS 302-1) |
- |
26 (Terminals for External Conductors, IS 302-1) |
- |
27.1 (Provision for Earthing, IS 302-1) |
- |
27.2 (Provision for Earthing, IS 302-1) |
- |
27.3 (Provision for Earthing, IS 302-1) |
- |
27.4 (Provision for Earthing, IS 302-1) |
- |
27.5 (Provision for Earthing, IS 302-1) |
- |
28 (Screws & Connections, IS 302-1) |
- |
29.1 (Clearances, Creepage distances and Solid Insulation, IS 302-1) |
- |
29.2 (Clearances, Creepage distances and Solid Insulation, IS 302-1) |
- |
30.1 (Resistance to Heat, Fire & Tracking, IS 302-1) |
- |
30.2 (Resistance to Heat, Fire & Tracking, IS 302-1) |
- |
31 (Resistance of Rusting, IS 302-1) |
- |
32 (Radiation, Toxicity and similar Hazard IS 302-1) |
- |
- |
The following test facilities for clauses are not available:
1. Cl 24.1.2 TF for switch endurance of steam iron
2. Clause 24 Components |
30 |
IS 10500 (2012) |
Drinking water - Specification (Second Revision) |
- |
- View breakup
Clause No. |
Exclusion |
Testing Charges (Excl. Of Taxes) |
Effective Date |
Remark |
4. SL No.i)of
Table I (Colour) |
- |
4.SL No.ii) of
Table I (Odour) |
- |
4.SL No.iii)of
Table I (pH) |
- |
4.SL No.v)of
Table I (Turbidity, NTU, Max) |
- |
4.SL No.vi)of
Table I (Total dissolved solids, mg/l, max) |
- |
table 2 sl.no 1 ( Aluminium (as Al), mg/l, Max) |
- |
table 2 sl.no 4 (Barium (as Ba), mg/l, Max) |
- |
table 2 sl.no 5 (Boron (as B), mg/l, Max) |
- |
table 2 sl.no 6 (Calcium (as Ca), mg/l, Max) |
- |
table 2 sl.no 9 (Copper (as Cu), mg/l, Max) |
- |
table 2 sl.no 10 ( Fluoride (as F) mg/l, Max) |
- |
table 2 sl.no 11 (Free residual chlorine, mg/l, Min) |
- |
table 2 sl.no 12 (Iron (as Fe), mg/l, Max) |
- |
table 2 sl.no 13 (Magnesium (as Mg), mg/l, Max) |
- |
table 2 sl.no 14 (Manganese (as Mn), mg/l, Max) |
- |
table 2 sl.no 16 (Nitrate (as NO3), mg/l, Max) |
- |
table 2 sl.no 18 (Selenium (as Se), mg/l, Ma) |
- |
table 2 sl.no 19 (Silver (as Ag), mg/l, Max) |
- |
table 2 sl.no 20 (Sulphate (as SO4) mg/l, Max) |
- |
table 2 sl.no 22 (Total alkalinity as calcium
carbonate, mg/l, Max) |
- |
table 2 sl.no 24 (Zinc (as Zn), mg/l, Max) |
- |
TABLE 3 sl no 1 (Cadmium (as Cd), mg/l, Max) |
- |
TABLE 3 sl no 3 (Lead (as Pb), mg/l, Max) |
- |
TABLE 3 sl no 4 (Mercury (as Hg), mg/l, Max) |
- |
TABLE 3 sl no 5 ( Molybdenum (as Mo), mg/l, Max) |
- |
TABLE 3 sl no 6 (Nickel (as Ni), mg/l, Max) |
- |
- |
Test facility not available for following:
1. Cyanide 2.RAR |